Merton Priory
Team Ministry

    • Welcome
    • Introducing the Parish
    • Location
    • Services
    • Contacts
    • Our mission statement
    • Annual report for 2023
    • Safeguarding
    • Looking back


The Parish of Merton Priory

The Merton Priory Team – consisting of Christ Church, Colliers Wood, St John the Divine, Merton Holy Trinity, South Wimbledon – provides a structure for a creative model of inclusive ministry and mission creating exciting ways to develop the mission of the church in the three areas. All three churches preach inclusivity, unity, and faith in action.

The churches that were to form the Team held a joint service on Sunday 28 September 2008 to celebrate our diversities within our churches, the congregations, backgrounds, nationalities, different cultures and traditions, but also celebrating the four corners of God s earth and reaching out to people who are not already part of what is going on.

The Team Ministry was launched at a special service at Holy Trinity on Sunday, 29 March 2009, at which the Bishop of Kingston, the Rt Revd Dr Richard Cheetham, presided.

Our aim was, and continues to be, to work towards being an identifiable team in the wider community with all the benefits of modelling the three diverse church communities coming together to become more effective voices proclaiming and living out Gospel values and enabling a more effective and powerful outreach in the community.